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Tired of training programs that sounded great but had no impact on your business goals?

LightValve Learning was founded with one aim: raise the bar by creating measurable business impact for your business or agency using the science of learning.

How LightValve Learning Can Help You

Stickier Learning

While most training retention is measured in weeks or months, followed by a steep decline, our users retain learning messages for up to three years after one exposure, with positive behaviors continuing to spike well into the third year.

Bottom-Line Results

We are one of the only learning companies to measure its results using a Level 4 Kirkpatrick assessment that provides hard data as a bottom line.

Rapid Learning

We have helped our clients save millions of man-hours in the development, implementation, and evaluation of their learning programs. Post-COVID, we operate on a zero-tolerance mode for any waste. LightValve artificial intelligence scientists are developing no-wait assessment processes that instantly let you know how confident your participants are in the training.

Knowledge Checks and Assessment

True learning has stopping points to check knowledge and end-of-course assessments to test mastery. From the very start of a project, we ask how we can help you make the impact you want. Then we design assessments to support your goals.

Minimal Learning Costs

Hyper-real learning vignettes, in advanced media that include, when appropriate, virtual, augmented and mixed reality, can help remove the need for expert facilitators, freeing up your best people to do their jobs. Only a technical monitor, often an intern from your office or a proctor provided by us, may be necessary.

Hyper-Realistic Delivery Media

Our 20 years of experience in virtual reality has helped us perfect the learning industry’s only truly immersive workflow, Orbison©, which results in unprecedented accuracy, so real that many participants forget they are in a media experience.

Class Leading Value

We invented virtual reality in the 1990s not as the end-all but as cool formats to meet the learning objectives of our clients. We have spent decades perfecting our production equipment and workflows. The result: you pay for just what you need, not a penny more.

Unprecedented Production Value

LightValve is a member of the USC Cinema and Art Center College of Design alumni networks, dominant in technical and creative expertise in the film, TV, advertising and videogaming industries. The result: our learning looks nothing like conventional training. Our production crews and developers are master practitioners who wake up learning with unheard-of production value.

First Place Recognition

Brandon Hall, Adobe, Parent’s Choice, Marcom and, most recently, NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, recognize us with top awards.